Afghanistan: A Call for Security - full Text (in english)
Presseinformation Nr. 19/2003, 17. Juni 2003
Afghanistan: Aufruf zur Sicherheit
79 internationale Nicht-Regierungsorganisationen fordern umfassendes NATO-Mandat für Afghanistan
Dramatische Sicherheitslage und Klima der Gewalt bedrohen Entwicklung und die für 2004 anstehenden
Wahlen des Landes.
Bonn/Brüssel/NewYork. CARE International und 78 private Entwicklungs- und Menschenrechts-Organisationen
(darunter Oxfam, Human Rights Watch und Save the Children) fordern die internationale Gemeinschaft dazu
auf, ein umfassendes NATO-Mandat zur Wahrung der Sicherheit in Afghanistan zu verabschieden. Die NATO
wird ab dem 10. August federführend für die internationale Sicherheitspolitik in Afghanistan
verantwortlich sein.
In dem Brief "Afghanistan: Aufruf zur Sicherheit", der gestern an die Vereinten Nationen in
New York und Regierungsvertreter in ganz Europa ging, drängen die Organisationen darauf, das
Mandat der Internationalen Sicherheitskräfte (ISAF) unter Leitung der NATO auf Transportwege
und Schlüssel-Standorte außerhalb von Kabul auszuweiten. Nur so könne nachhaltig Sicherheit
und Frieden im Land wiederhergestellt werden – Grundvoraussetzung für dringend benötigte Entwicklung.
"Langfristig wünschen wir uns eine Sicherheitslösung unter afghanischer Leitung",
sagt Manuela Roßbach, Geschäftsführerin von CARE Deutschland. "Wir wissen jedoch alle,
dass es viel Zeit braucht, um eine einsatzfähige afghanische Polizei oder Armee aufzubauen.
Bis dahin liegt es in der Verantwortung der internationalen Gemeinschaft, Sicherheit für die Menschen
in Afghanistan zu gewährleisten."
"Wir wissen, dass es teuer und riskant ist, diese Sicherheit herzustellen", so Roßbach.
"Wir wissen allerdings auch, dass es für die internationale Gemeinschaft bei weitem kostspieliger
und riskanter sein wird, das wachsende Sicherheitsproblem in Afghanistan weiter zu ignorieren."
Die Organisationen fürchten, dass sich die Sicherheitslage in Afghanistan weiter drastisch
destabilisieren wird und diese nicht nur jegliche Entwicklung im Land, sondern auch die Wahlen im Jahr
2004 behindert.
Quelle / Source:
Afghanistan: A Call for Security
June 17, 2003
We the undersigned humanitarian, human rights, civil society and conflict prevention organizations call
on the international community to accord NATO a robust stabilization mandate in Afghanistan. This
mandate should include the expansion of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) to key
locations and major transport routes outside of Kabul and the active support for a comprehensive
program of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of all militia forces outside the control of
the central government. Current efforts to train representative, professional Afghan national security
forces must be accelerated.
In the past six months, security has deteriorated and violence against civilians has increased. Unless
security conditions improve, progress made to date in Afghanistan will be in jeopardy. Reconstruction
efforts have already been impeded. Without a shift in the current security paradigm, conditions for
free and fair elections are not likely to be in place by June 2004.
Progress in Jeopardy
Much has been accomplished in Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban and the signing of the Bonn
Agreement in December 2001. After 23 years of war, an Afghan Transitional Administration, headed by
President Hamid Karzai, was selected through a nationwide loya jirga. The central government has since
adopted a national development budget, completed a currency reform, and begun the important work of
drafting a new constitution. Furthermore, more than two million refugees have returned to Afghanistan
in the world’s largest voluntary repatriation effort in the last 30 years. After a concerted back-to-school
campaign in March 2003, a record four – five million children have returned to school, up from three
million last year.
Despite important progress in these and other areas, efforts by the Afghan Government to further
implement the Bonn Agreement and rebuild the country economically and politically are now jeopardized
by a deteriorating security situation.
Inadequate Security Framework
The international community must continue to build the capacity of the central government to maintain
the peace and provide for the rule of law. Sustainable security can only be achieved by a unified Afghan
Government with control over internal and external security matters. Efforts to create an Afghan
National Army have faltered, with only 4,000 of the 70,000 proposed force trained to date. According
to the most optimistic assumptions, the central government will only have 9,000 soldiers – a fraction
of the forces currently under various regional commanders – to deploy by mid-2004. Training a new
police force has also proven to be daunting. The German-led training program began in March 2003 with
a first class of 500-600 people. These programs must be accelerated and undertaken as part of a
comprehensive approach to security sector reform that includes the demobilization and reintegration
of all combatants currently serving in militias outside of effective government control.
International peacekeepers in Afghanistan have been largely limited to Kabul, where the ISAF contingent
of 4,800 soldiers from 29 countries operates pursuant to a UN mandate. U.S. and other Coalition forces
are attempting to extend security outside Kabul through "Provincial Reconstruction Teams," which combine
military and civilian personnel. These teams, deployed to a few locations, are each comprised of between
50-100 personnel and lack the resources to really address the security threats posed by warlords and
other armed spoilers. Some 11,500 U.S- led Coalition combat troops hunt down armed opposition groups
without a corresponding mandate to protect the civilian population. For the majority of the Afghan
people, security is precarious and controlled by regional warlords, drug traffickers or groups with
terrorist associations. The situation is getting worse, and there is no comprehensive plan in place
to halt the spiral of violence. Both UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and his Special Representative
Lakhdar Brahimi have called for an expansion of ISAF to bring security to all of Afghanistan.
Situation Deteriorating
The peace process is jeopardized by daily harassment and intimidation of ordinary Afghans, fighting
between ethnic groups and factional leaders, and a recent surge in attacks blamed on Al-Qa’ida and
Taliban fugitives and the Hisb-e-Islami forces of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. There has been a sharp increase
of activity by elements hostile to the Afghan Government and the international community, particularly
in the southern and eastern border provinces. A water engineer with a humanitarian organization was
murdered in March, while in April, assailants threw grenades at a United Nations children’s agency
compound. UN offices in Gardez and Kandahar have also incurred grenade attacks. In April, Afghan
mine-clearers were ambushed four times in southern Afghanistan. Rivalries between regional and
factional leaders are ongoing and numerous. In the west, the forces of Herat’s Governor, Ismael Khan,
clash with local commander Amanullah Khan and local governor Gul Mohammad. In the south, forces loyal
to the Kandahar Governor, Gul Agha, clash with those under the command of General Akram. In the north,
Generals Dostum and Atta continue their rivalry around Mazar-i-Sharif.
In May, the UN required its staff to travel with armed escorts in six volatile southern provinces.
NGO travel and activities are routinely suspended for two or three days in specific locations although
security conditions have not yet deteriorated to a level that requires complete cessation of local
operations. However, the security spiral is downward, and the people of Afghanistan are now speaking
of the "days of better security under the Taliban." The current situation must not be
Unsafe for Elections and Voter Registration
In one short year, elections are scheduled for Afghanistan – June 2004. The conduct of free and fair
elections – in which fundamental human rights are respected and the "playing field" is
reasonably level and accessible to all electors, parties and candidates – is central to the success
of the Bonn process. Free and fair elections require an environment free from violence, intimidation
and coercion. Continuing challenges to the authority of the central government by regional warlords
and terrorist groups, and the persistent security vacuum in many parts of the country, make it difficult
to prepare for elections, including voter registration. Urgent action is required by the international
community to support the Afghan government’s efforts to create conditions so that the Afghan people
can freely choose their own government next year.
Stability by NATO
NATO has long recognized the need for a robust force to stabilize post-conflict situations (e.g. in
the Balkans). Just as a force in Sarajevo alone could not have stabilized Bosnia, a force in Kabul
alone cannot stabilize Afghanistan. If Afghanistan is to have any hope for peace and stabilization,
now is the time to expand international peacekeepers to key cities and transport routes outside of
Kabul. ISAF can accomplish this task, but to do so it requires the mandate and resources. In August
2003, NATO will assume control of ISAF. An expanded ISAF presence requires time for force generation
and deployment. The order must be given now for NATO to have impact in August.
We call on the international community to expand the ISAF mandate and provide the resources needed to secure Afghanistan so that democracy can flourish. Doing so will improve the prospect for peace and stability for the Afghan people and the world.
ActionAid, Afghanaid, Afghan Community Islamic Center of San, Diego, Afghani Community of Greater Salt Lake City, Afghans4tomorrow, Aide Medicale Internationale, Air Serve International, American Near East Refugee Aid, Asian Institute For Rural Development, AUSTCARE, Australian Council for Overseas Aid, British American Security Information Council, Campaign for U.N. Reform, CARE International, Caritas Internationalis, Catholic Relief Services, Center for Victims of Torture, Center for Humanitarian Cooperation, Children in Crisis, Christian Children’s Fund / Child Fund Afghanistan, Church World Service, Church Women United, Coalition for International Justice, Coalition of Afghan Associations of Northern California, Committee for an Effective International Criminal Law, Congressional Hunger Center, Concern International, Concern Worldwide, Cordaid, Danish Committee for Aid to Afghan Refugees, Danish Refugee Council, Episcopal Migration Ministries, Equality Now, Ethiopian Community Development Council, Feminist Majority, Fund for Peace, Global Action to Prevent War, Hope Worldwide, Human Rights Watch, Institute on Religion and Public Policy, International Catholic Migration Commission, International Crisis Group, International Human Rights Law Group, International Medical Corps, International Rescue Committee, International Women's Health Coalition, Jesuit Refugee Service/USA, Marie Stopes International, Media Action International, Mercy Corps, National Council of Women’s Organizations, National NGO Council of Sri Lanka, National Peace Corps Association, Norwegian Refugee Council, NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund, Ockenden International, Operation USA, Orphans and Widows Association of San Diego, Oxfam International, Pax Christi International, Peace Through Law Education Fund, Physicians for Human Rights, Project on the Future of Peace Operations at the Henry L. Stimson Center, Refugee Consortium of Kenya, Refugee Educational Trust, Refugees International, Save the Children UK, Save the Children USA, Solidarités Triangle Generation Humanitaire, US Committee for Refugees/Immigrant Refugee Services of America, Vital Voices Global Partnership, Washington Kurdish Institute, Widows for Peace and Reconstruction, Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children, Women’s EDGE, World Order Models Project, World Vision Afghanistan, World Vision US
Quelle / Source: